About Us

At VoltaChem we believe that chemical production can be fully sustainable by 2050 through innovation, collaboration, and system integration. Society will use decarbonized energy and circular feedstock for the production of essential products like fuels, materials and food. Our business-driven Shared Innovation Program, initiated by TNO, is aimed at accelerating industrial electrification in order to support the process industry to reduce its CO2 footprint and move towards a climate neutral future.

Within the VoltaChem Program, we develop, validate and scale up innovative conversion technologies that produce chemicals with emission-free electricity and circular feedstock. In close cooperation with partners from the process industry, the energy sector and equipment supply & licensors we work on innovations for both new and existing processes that are essential for achieving a net-zero and circular society.

We work in three program lines: Power-2-Integrate, Power-2-Chemicals, Power-2-Hydrogen. Through our VoltaChem Business community and research activities, we serve and work with industries to strengthen their sustainability and competitive position within the value chain.

Our vision

It is our vision that society, and more specifically industry, will heavily electrify using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. Commodity platform molecules for materials (plastics, metals), mobility (synthetic fuels) and food (fertilizers, food ingredients) will be produced using Power-2-X technology combined with renewable feedstock (waste, biomass, CO2). Electrochemistry, integrated thermocatalysis and plasma technology will be key enabling technologies for this transition and will be applied worldwide in large scale chemical plants. We do need to realize that there is no silver bullet. A combination of new and existing technologies will be required to meet societies Sustainable Development Goals.

Our mission

It is VoltaChem’s mission to accelerate industrial electrification by supporting the chemical industry, the energy sector, and equipment suppliers & licensors moving towards a climate neutral and circular future by 2050. Finding collaborative business opportunities and addressing their challenges together by linking flexible electricity supply to energy demand in the chemical industry and by using electricity directly in chemical processing, employing novel technologies and business models.

Our network

We have established an international network of collaboration partners from industry and academia. Next to the VoltaChem Business Community, we are highly connected to academic and industrial networks and active in subsidized projects and research collaborations. We closely collaborate with partners from the energy sector, the process industry, with equipment suppliers & licensors, and with policy, knowledge and industry organizations through our Business Community and the various technology program lines.

Interested in collaboration?

Are you interested in exploring the possibilities for collaboration between your company and VoltaChem?  Contact us or check out our collaboration models here.


Martijn de Graaff

Program Director VoltaChem

+31 6 222 608 71



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